Scrip Code, class of security : 504378, Equity shares |
Quarter ended : 30-9-2015 |
Disclosure of notes on shareholding pattern | Notes |
Partly paid-up shares |
ID | Description partly paid-up shares | Number of partly paid-up shares | As a percentage of total number of partly paid-up shares | As a percentage of total number of shares of the company |
Shares held by promoter or promoter group |
Total Shares held by promoter or promoter group | | | |
Shares held by public |
Total Shares held by public | | | |
Total | | | |
Outstanding convertible securities |
ID | Description of outstanding convertible securities | Number of outstanding securities | As a percentage of total number of outstanding convertible securities | As a percentage of total number of shares of the company, assuming full conversion of the convertible securities |
Shares held by promoter or promoter group |
Total shares held by promoter or promoter group | | | |
Shares held by public |
Total Shares held by public | | | |
Total | | | |
Warrants |
ID | Description of warrants | Number of warrants | As a percentage of total number of warrants | As a percentage of total number of shares of the company, assuming full conversion of warrants |
Shares held by promoter or promoter group |
Total Shares held by promoter or promoter group | | | |
Shares held by public |
Total Shares held by public | | | |
Total | | | |
Total paid-up capital of the company assuming full conversion of warrants and convertible securities | 30000000 |
Scrip Code, class of security : 504378, Equity shares |
Quarter ended : 30-9-2015 |
Disclosure of notes on fully paid-up shares | Notes |
Category code | Total Shareholding as a percentage of total number of shares | Shares pledged or otherwise encumbered |
| | Number of shareholders | Total number of shares | Number of shares held in dematerialised form | As a percentage of (A+B) | As a percentage of (A+B+C) | Number of shares | As a percentage |
(I) | (II) | (III) | (IV) | (V) | (VI) | (VII) | (VIII) | (IX)= (VIII)/(IV)*100 |
(A) | Shareholding of Promoter and Promoter Group |
(1) | Indian |
(a) | Individuals or Hindu undivided family | 4 | 6644010 | 6644010 | 22.15 | 22.15 | | |
(b) | Central government or State government(s) | | | | | | | |
(c) | Bodies corporate | 1 | 1140570 | 1140570 | 3.8 | 3.8 | | |
(d) | Financial institutions or banks | | | | | | | |
(e) | Any other (specify) | Description of Shareholder | |
Total Others | | | | | | | |
Sub Total (A) (1) | 5 | 7784580 | 7784580 | 25.95 | 25.95 | | |
(2) | Foreign |
(a) | Non-resident individuals or foreign individuals | | | | | | | |
(b) | Bodies corporate | | | | | | | |
(c) | Institutions | | | | | | | |
(d) | Qualified foreign investor | | | | | | | |
(e) | Any other (specify) | Description of Shareholder | |
Total Others | | | | | | | |
Sub-Total (A) (2) | | | | | | | |
Total Shareholding of Promoter and Promoter Group (A) = (A)(1)+(A)(2) | 5 | 7784580 | 7784580 | 25.95 | 25.95 | | |
(B) | Public Shareholding |
(1) | Institutions |
(a) | Mutual funds or UTI | | | | | | | |
(b) | Financial institutions or banks | | | | | | | |
(c) | Central government or State government(s) | | | | | | | |
(d) | Venture capital funds | | | | | | | |
(e) | Insurance companies | | | | | | | |
(f) | Foreign institutional investors | | | | | | | |
(g) | Foreign venture capital investors | | | | | | | |
(h) | Qualified foreign investor | | | | | | | |
(k) | Any other (specify) | Description of Shareholder | |
Total Others | | | | | | | |
Sub Total (B) (1) | | | | | | | |
(2) | Non-Institutions |
(a) | Bodies corporate | 79 | 14061904 | 14061904 | 46.87 | 46.87 | | |
(b) | Individuals | | | | | | | |
i | Individual shareholders holding nominal share capital up to Rs one lakh | 393 | 888098 | 884098 | 2.96 | 2.96 | | |
ii | Individual shareholders holding nominal share capital in excess of Rs one lakh | 137 | 6401797 | 6401797 | 21.34 | 21.34 | | |
(c) | Qualified foreign investor | | | | | | | |
(d) | Any other (specify) | Description of Shareholder | |
1 | Non-Institutions Shareholders 1 | Clearing Members | 9 | 141055 | 141055 | 0.47 | 0.47 | | |
2 | Non-Institutions Shareholders 2 | NRI | 1 | 722566 | 722566 | 2.41 | 2.41 | | |
Total Others | 10 | 863621 | 863621 | 2.88 | 2.88 | | |
Sub-total (B) (2) | 619 | 22215420 | 22211420 | 74.05 | 74.05 | | |
Total Public Shareholding (B) = (B)(1)+(B)(2) | 619 | 22215420 | 22211420 | 74.05 | 74.05 | | |
TOTAL (A)+(B) | 624 | 30000000 | 29996000 | 100 | 100 | | |
(C) | Shares held by custodians and against which depository receipts have been issued |
(1) | Promoter and promoter group | | | | | | | |
(2) | Public | | | | | | | |
Total Shares held by Custodians (C) | | | | | | | |
GRAND TOTAL (A)+(B)+(C) | 624 | 30000000 | 29996000 | | 100 | | |
Scrip Code, class of security : 504378, Equity shares |
Quarter ended : 30-9-2015 |
Disclosure of notes on securities belonging to the category "Promoter and Promoter Group" | Notes |
Sr. No. | | | | | | | |
| Name of the shareholder | PAN of Promoter | Number of the shares held | As a percentage of grand total (A) + (B) + (C) | Encumbered - number of shares | As a percentage | As a percentage of grand total (A) + (B) + (C) of clause (I)(a) | Number of warrants held | Warrants held as a percentage of total numbers of warrants of the same class | Number of convertible securities held | Convertible securities as percentage of total numbers of convertible securities of same class | Total shares (including underlying shares assuming full conversion of warrants and convertible securities) as a percentage of diluted share capital |
(I) | (II) | (II) (a) | (III) | (IV) | (V) | (VI)=(V)/(III)*100 | (I)(a) (VII) | (VIII) | (IX) | (X) | (XI) | (XII) |
1 | INNOCENT INFRASTRUCTURE PRIVATE LIMITED | AABC19076Q | 1140570 | 3.8 | | | | | | | | 3.8 |
2 | RAVINDRAKUMAR RUIA | AABPR6608N | 644000 | 2.15 | | | | | | | | 2.15 |
3 | SHAILJA R RUIA | AABPRB224N | 3000000 | 10 | | | | | | | | 10 |
4 | REKHA R RUIA | AABPR8228A | 3000000 | 10 | | | | | | | | 10 |
5 | SUSHILKUMAR RAMJIWAN NEVATIA | AACPN0689C | 10 | 0 | | | | | | | | 0 |
Total | | 7784580 | 25.95 | | | | | | | | 25.95 |
Scrip Code, class of security : 504378, Equity shares |
Quarter ended : 30-9-2015 |
Disclosure of notes on holding of securities of persons belonging to the category "Public" and holding more than one percentage of the total number of shares | Notes |
Sr. No. | | | | | | |
| Name of the shareholder | PAN of Shareholder | Number of the shares held | Shares as percentage of total number of shares {i.e, Grand Total (A) + (B) + (C) indicated in statement at para (I) (a) above} | Number of warrants held | Warrants held as a percentage of total numbers of warrants of the same class | Number of convertible securities held | Convertible securities as percentage of total numbers of convertible securities of same class | Total shares (including underlying shares assuming full conversion of warrants and convertible securities) as a percentage of diluted share capital |
(I) | (II) | (II) (a) | (III) | (IV) | (V) | (VI) | (I)(a) (VII) | (VIII) | (IX) |
1 | ARCH PHARMALABS LIMITED | | 1399479 | 4.66 | | | | | 4.66 |
2 | ARISTRO CAPITAL MARKETS LIMITED | | 549619 | 1.83 | | | | | 1.83 |
3 | ASHA SANJAY SHAH | | 594557 | 1.98 | | | | | 1.98 |
4 | BABA BHOOTHNATH NIRMAN PRIVATE LIMITED | | 469195 | 1.56 | | | | | 1.56 |
5 | GRACEUNITED DEVELOPERS PRIVATE LIMITED | | 805751 | 2.69 | | | | | 2.69 |
6 | GRACEUNITED REAL ESTATE PRIVATE LIMITED | | 1145169 | 3.82 | | | | | 3.82 |
7 | GUINESS SECURITIES LIMITED | | 741000 | 2.47 | | | | | 2.47 |
8 | HASMUKHBHAI MANILAL SHAH | | 373880 | 1.25 | | | | | 1.25 |
9 | INDIANIVESH CAPITALS LIMITED | | 442276 | 1.47 | | | | | 1.47 |
10 | JASHVANT MANSUKHLAL SHAH | | 722566 | 2.41 | | | | | 2.41 |
11 | M/S SHYAMKAMAL INVESTMENTS LIMITED | | 317470 | 1.06 | | | | | 1.06 |
12 | MANOJ JAIN (HUF) | | 414239 | 1.38 | | | | | 1.38 |
13 | MONOTYPE INDIA LIMITED | | 713800 | 2.38 | | | | | 2.38 |
14 | NIRSHILP SECURITIES PRIVATE LIMITED | | 555000 | 1.85 | | | | | 1.85 |
15 | PRITESHKUMAR H SHAH | | 383226 | 1.28 | | | | | 1.28 |
16 | SEMINARY TIE UP PRIVATE LIMITED | | 415000 | 1.38 | | | | | 1.38 |
17 | SHIVAJIRAO S JONDHALE | | 398370 | 1.33 | | | | | 1.33 |
18 | SOMYAA TRADEWINGS PRIVATE LIMITED | | 339450 | 1.13 | | | | | 1.13 |
19 | SPARKLINE MERCANTILE COMPANY PRIVATE LIMITED | | 1037899 | 3.46 | | | | | 3.46 |
20 | SUPERLINE TRADING PRIVATE LIMITED | | 588383 | 1.96 | | | | | 1.96 |
21 | VALECHA INVESTMENT PRIVATE LIMITED | | 429000 | 1.43 | | | | | 1.43 |
22 | VICKY ELECTRONICS PRIVATE LIMITED | | 850083 | 2.83 | | | | | 2.83 |
Total | | 13685412 | 45.62 | | | | | 45.62 |